This is a house which was made in the early 1800s probably by a carpenter. It was bought by Mrs Winifred Alice Hibberd from a shop in St. John's Wood High Street, London in 1965 for £60.
Mrs Hibberd repaired and furnished the house herself between 1965 and 1979, with the furnishings came from many different sources including America, Spain, France and Scotland as well as craft and antique fairs and London shops. Mrs Hibberd also typed a guide to the house. The only room that was not finished was the attic room which was completed by her son Dominic. Mrs Hibberd's father's family came from the Tower Hamlets area as long ago as the 18th century. This is partly why it was decided that the house should be offered to the museum where it was received in 1981.

The Doll's House now housed in the  Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

The images used in this video are © Victoria and Albert Museum, London


Questa casa è stata realizzata agli inizi del 1800, probabilmente da un falegname. Fu acquistata, nel 1965, dalla signora Winifred Alice Hibberd in un negozio di St. John's Wood High Street, a Londra, per 60 sterline. Mrs Hibberd riparò ed arredò la casa, tra il 1965 e il 1979, con arredi provenienti da molti luoghi diversi tra cui America, Spagna, Francia e Scozia, nonché fiere di antiquariato e negozi di Londra. Mrs Hibberd scrisse anche una guida illustrativa della casa. L'unica stanza rimasta incompleta era la mansarda, terminata successivamente dal figlio Dominic. La famiglia Hibberd era originaria della zona di Tower Hamlets, già nel 18° secolo; questo è in parte il motivo per cui è stato deciso che la casa dovesse essere donata al Victoria & Albert Museum di Londra Victoria and Albert Museum di Londra, così come avvenne nel 1981.


Doll’s House 1800