This house is said to have been made by the father of Sir Francis Palgrave (1788-1861) for his children. It is unusual because it is portable. It was designed to travel, and originally had handles on both sides. In the days when people travelled by coach and horses, they would often have to prepare for long journeys and long stays when they arrived at their destination. To keep them entertained, and to show off to their hosts, some ladies took their dolls' houses with them on such trips. The images used in this video are © Victoria and Albert Museum, London http://collections.vam.ac.uk/ |
Questa casa si dice sia stata costruita dal padre di Sir Francis Palgrave (1788-1861) per i propri figli. E’ una casa insolita in quanto portatile. Infatti fu progettata per viaggiare e, in origine, aveva maniglie su entrambi i lati. In tempi in cui le persone viaggiavano con carrozze e cavalli, spesso era necessario prepararsi ad intraprendere lunghi viaggi e prolungati soggiorni, prima di arrivare a destinazione e quindi alcune signore usavano portare con sč le proprie doll’s houses, sia come passatempo che per mostrarle con orgoglio ai propri ospiti. |