
The dolls' house was made in 1887 by a Liverpool firm called Ashcroft who normally specialised in billiard tables. It was made for a Miss Barker. Queen Mary bought it from the Royal School of Needlework where it was in an exhibition. At the time there was no furniture in the house but the Queen had furniture made and supervised all the interior decoration herself. It was given to the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1921.

The images used in this video are © Victoria and Albert Museum, London http://collections.vam.ac.uk/


La casa delle bambole fu realizzata nel 1887 da una azienda di Liverpool chiamata Ashcroft, normalmente specializzata nella costruzione di tavoli da biliardo, per Miss Barker. La Queen Mary la comprò dalla Royal School di Needlework dove era in una mostra. Al momento non vi è alcun mobile nella casa ma la regina si occupò personalmente sia dei mobili che delle decorazioni interne. Fu donata al Victoria & Albert Museum nel 1921.


Queen Mary's dolls' house 1887